The Path To Prosperity.....................


Embark on a journey toward prosperity like never before In Next 7 Days

Limited Time Offer !

This Course Is For You If....

  • If you want to unlock the secrets to attracting wealth and financial success into your life.

  • You're on a journey of self-discovery and want to tap into your inner potential, guided meditation can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

  • You're dealing with stress, anxiety, or simply seeking emotional balance, guided meditation can help you find inner peace.

  • You're dedicated to investing in yourself and your future, this course is a valuable investment in your personal and financial growth.

...then this is for you!

Are you wondering if "Bringing Abundance Through Guided Meditation" is the right course for you? Let's find out! This transformative course is designed for individuals who are ready to embrace abundance and make positive changes in their lives.

Here are 7 Mindful Practices you’ll do in the next 7 days:

Day 1 :

Connecting With Self

23:10 Mins

Meaning Of Connecting With The Higher Self

Day 2

Relationship Healing

10:10 Mins

Guided Meditation For Healing Relationships

Day 3

Balancing 7 Chakra

23:04 Mins

Breakdown Of The Importance Of Each Mudra & Color For The Seven Chakras

Day 4

Healing Physical Self

16:38 Min

Powerful Healing Mantra Current That Is Believed To Have Therapeutic Effects

On The Body

Day 5

Enhancing Intuition

16:37 Mins

Enhance Your Intuition & Inner Perception

Day 6

Welcoming Abundance

06:11 Mins

What are affirmations & what are their purposes?

Day 7

Becoming your best version

13:15 Mins

What is visualization?

(Steps for Effective Visualization)

After this Meditation Course, You will....

  • Achieve emotional balance, managing stress, anxiety, and negative emotions with grace and resilience.

  • Align your thoughts, feelings, and actions with your goals, making your dreams feel achievable and within reach.

  • Empower you to lead a life filled with abundance, joy, and fulfillment.

Meet Your Host

Dr Neeti Kaushik

India's Leading Life Transformational Coach

"Nitty Gritty with Dr Neeti Kaushik” is a series of transformational sessions for all age groups, personally guided by Dr Neeti Kaushik, an educationist for 35 years & a heartfelt desire to serve humanity.

She has written 50 plus books on life skills and value-based education & bagged numerous awards and accolades for her enormous contribution to the education world. Her sessions help the uninitiated to get an insight into their lives (life’s quest, purpose, fears, goals, beliefs, self love )and easy-to-implement remedies, making the transformational journey truly resultoriented.

Dr Neeti Kaushik offers guided sessions aimed at one’s Personal and Spiritual Growth – Meditational practices, Chakras, Astrology, Numerology, Manifestation Techniques, Creating Vision Boards, Crystals Guidance, Moon-Meditation for Empowered Emotions, Simple healing practices , importance of Emotions & Gratefulness. The list focus to evolve as the BEST version of ourselves. Happy Journey Within!!

Join Dr. Neeti's mission to Transform Your Mindset and Attract Prosperity and take your Life to the next level today.

Dr. Neeti Kaushik Empowering Individuals in Enhancing Their Manifestation Abilities

Ready to Manifest Abundance? Join Us Now!

Dr. Neeti Kaushik Empowering Individuals in Enhancing Their Manifestation Abilities

Guided meditation is a proven method for aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions with abundance, and this course will show you how.

A Powerful Workshop That Delivers Life Changing Results!

Kanchan Chourasia

Good evening Ma'am. I am running out of words to express myself but can only say that now I have decided that I am going to continue with the meditation. It calms me. Whatever happens around me I don't get affected to that level. I am happy with myself. Thank you so much for your guidance. Thank you Ma'am.

S Hariprasad

Thank you Neeti madam, I just love your way of approaching the things...Really miracles happening by all your workshops,iam feeling the good vibes and Iam working in bank, iam a music teacher also and also Iam in a direct selling network...iam carrying these things without stress by your guidance,love you mam❤️❤️❤️❤️

Moumita Ghosal

Good evening ma'am.

I am Moumita . so lucky to have done this meditation..

There was so much of calmness and a very different feeling. Thanks to universe that it is guiding me through ur meditation. So blessed it felt

Suma Mahesh

Hello Ma'am...

It's been a wonderful journey in this meditation workshop...

What I m noticing is, I m calmer, my procrastination has reduced so much... I take action in most of the situations immediately...

I have a confidence now ki "sab kuch ho jaayega" "I m capable"..

How much ever I thank you it'll never be enough...

Meditating is always a challenge for me.. but the way you are guiding.. I feel I want to do it more... such an amazing feel.. I falling short of words to express my gratitude...

I wait for that time.. ki kab bachchon ko sula down thaaki I'll sit for my meditation... thats my me time.. thats my amazing time...

Thank you thank you thank you soooo much ma'am..

Now I m telling everyone.. pls do meditation.. it helps in many ways... 😄😄😄..

Love you ma'am..

Warmest regards🙏🏻🙏🏻🤗🤗🤗

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